A New Chapter in EU-Africa Partnership
Following the conclusion of the 6th Summit between the African Union (AU) and the EU, a new comprehensive EU strategy with Africa has been announced to strengthen the ties between Africa and the European Union.
The emerging economic, political, social, technological, demographic, climate and environmental prospects and challenges facing Africa are significant, with climate change likely to define the policy of the continent over the next century. To confront this reality, the new partnership model aims to benefit both Africa and the EU by capitalising on shared interests, such as green growth, research and innovation, and climate change, amongst various others.
To achieve this, the new joint EU-AU strategy aims to build five key partnerships:
1. A partnership for green transition and energy access;
2. A partnership for digital transformation;
3. A partnership for sustainable growth and jobs;
4. A partnership for peace and governance; and
5. A partnership on migration and mobility.
To support these five areas of partnership, ten proposed actions have been highlighted to aid in the implementation of the strategy. These actions provide a roadmap to sustainable, long-term collaboration between the two continents, with the aim to co-operate in balancing economic, environmental and human capital in governance into the future.
These partnerships will be developed with the view to defining a join partnership agenda at the upcoming EU-AU Summit in October 2020.
To read the full announcement from the EU, follow the link in this article: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_373