Wetskills - India 2019
Wetskills Foundation and partners invite last year Bachelor, Master, PhD students and graduates to apply for two new Wetskills events in India: Delhi and Kerala. After two editions in Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Wetskills Foundation has been requested to organize two separate editions in India with separate theme/focus. The will be organized during a visit of large business delegation from The Netherlands in presence of several Dutch ministers.
Wetskills-India 2019 (Delhi): 5-17 October 2019
Theme: (waste)water technology and innovation stimulation (aligned to the new Research and Experience WETLAB at the Barapullah Drain in Delhi). Finals at Tech Summit.
Wetskills-India 2019 (Kerala, Kochi): 7-19 October 2019
Theme: Integrated Water and Flood Risk Management (aligned to the Mission of the ‘Dutch Risk Reduction Team’ after the devastating floods in Kerala in 2018). Finals at a special workshop in Kochi in presence of Indian and Dutch business and governance delegates.
In the Wetskills programme, the participants will work in mixed and multidisciplinary teams of four to five people, to develop innovative concepts to the case studies provided by the water sector during an extensive two-week program. The program will start with team building activities for the first two days to allow participants to get to know each other. This includes field trips to water-related and cultural sites. An intensive period will follow that will focus on working on the assigned study case. International Wetskills and local supervisors will guide you during the weeks and facilitate your team to find its own innovative concept. Finally, the teams will pitch their results during a special Wetskills seminar aligned to the Tech Summit (Delhi, 15-16 October 2019) and a workshop on Intergrated Water and Flood Risk management (Kochi, 18 October 2019). The winning teams will be announced and awarded then as well.
Who can apply?
Any Young Water Professionals (up to 5 years of working experience) and last year Bachelor, Master or PhD student and recent graduates from European and internationals universities or organizations with passion for water and intercultural teamwork.
How can I apply?
Prepare a motivation letter and resume, go to www.wetskills.com, fill out the online application form and submit it.
For more information, please see the pdf below, or visit the Wetskills website.
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